JAKARTA - A total of 288,000 ballpoint pens suspected of violating intellectual property (KI) registered trademarks entered Indonesia. The Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) together with the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) through their official statement said that the import of fake ballpoint pens was carried out by PT Vikom Cahaya Cemerlang, sent from China. Tanjung Emas KPPBC TMP customs warehouse, Semarang, Friday 5 November 2021. The goods have previously been suspended by Customs based on a letter of suspension from court Number 1/Pdt.Sus-Temporary Suspension/2021/PN.Smg dated 29 October 2021.

Head of Sub-Directorate for Brand Inspection Agung Indriyanto as DJKI's expert witness said that the goods imported by PT Vikom Cahaya Cemerlang from China contained similarities to the overall products of PT Standardpen Industries, as the owner of the Standard, AE7 and Alfa Tip brands.

DJBC officers staged a case of fake ballpoint pens imported from China in Semarang/ Photo: DOK. DJBC

"If it is to be brought to justice, this can be included in Article 100 Paragraph 1 with a prison sentence of 5 years and or a maximum fine of 2 billion," said Agung.

Meanwhile, Semarang Commercial Court Judge Eko Budi Supriyanto explained that the results of the physical examination will be the basis for the judge in making a decision at the trial later, Monday, November 8.

The Head of Sub-Directorate for Prevention and Dispute Resolution of DJKI Ahmad Rifadi explained that the current enforcement of IP law is the government's concern in eradicating the circulation of counterfeit goods in Indonesia. Moreover, said Rifadi, Indonesia holds the Priority Watch List (PWL) status released by the United States Trade Representative (USTR) because it is considered a country that has quite serious IP violations.

"The government has formed a Task Force for Managing PWL Status as a commitment to leave PWL," said Rifadi.

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