JAKARTA - Head of DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, said that the policy of re-implementing the odd-even system is an emergency brake or emergency break in suppressing vehicle traffic figures during the COVID-19 pandemic.
"From the results of the evaluation that we continue to do, especially the indicator of traffic volume in Jakarta, which continues to increase every day, and finally we found that the traffic volume in Jakarta and even some points, has exceeded the traffic volume conditions before the COVID-19 pandemic. -19, "he said, in Jakarta, Sunday, August 2.
As an illustration, Safrin said, in the Cipete area, before the pandemic began, traffic conditions were around 74 thousand vehicles per day and currently the figure has exceeded 75 thousand vehicles per day. Likewise in the Senayan area, the average traffic volume before the pandemic was around 127 thousand, but currently this condition has exceeded 145 thousand.
According to Syafrin, when the policy for exit and entry permits (SIKM) to Jakarta was no longer in effect, the instrument to restrict the movement of people automatically no longer existed. Therefore, he assessed, the implementation of this odd-even system could be a solution to suppress the movement of people and vehicles.
"So this odd-even policy becomes an instrument to limit the movement of people, because currently the DKI Government is still implementing a transitional PSBB, so those who have no interest in traveling must stay at home," he said.
Syafrin said, based on Governor Regulation number 51 of 2020 concerning the implementation of the transitional PSBB, there are two emergency brakes that can be carried out by the DKI Government, first to stop the transition period and return to PSBB and the second to limit mobility by re-applying odd-even.
Furthermore, he said, in order to avoid the emergence of a new COVID-19 cluster by increasing the number of vehicle traffic and movement of people, during the transitional PSBB period, work from home must be carried out with the proportion of the distribution being 50 percent work from home (WFH), 50 percent. work or enter the office.
"The goal, of course, is that together we want to create a situation and condition so that all Jakarta residents understand that they are in a safe environment. So that it is healthy and of course productive," he explained.
As is well known, the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya will reintroduce the odd-even system of motorized vehicles in DKI Jakarta starting tomorrow, Monday, August 3. Socialization will be carried out during the first three days before the ticket enforcement takes effect.
Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo said ticket enforcement will take effect on Thursday, August 6. Tickets will be carried out manually or through an electronic traffic law enforcement (ETLE) system.
"For three days we will conduct socialization first, meaning that Monday, Tuesday Wednesday we will not take action with a ticket, either manually or by ETLE. On Thursday, August 6, we will take action against vehicles that violate the odd rules. even, "he said, in Jakarta, Sunday, August 2.
Sambodo explained, in the next three days, his party would only take sanctions in the form of warnings as well as socialization of the odd-even application of four-wheeled riders.
"Vehicles ending in even then run on the ganji date or vice versa, the officers will still stop the vehicle. Then they will be reprimanded but will not be ticketed yet," he said.
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