JAKARTA - Commission I of the House of Representatives stated that General Andika Perkasa passed the administrative verification in a series of fit and proper tests for the candidate for TNI Commander. This means that Andika can continue with the fit and proper test which is scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday, November 6.

"Today, at 2 p.m., the leadership of Commission I and the Kaposi have verified the documents for the candidate for the Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces on behalf of Andika Perkasa. Thus, the administrative verification is complete," said Chairman of Commission I of the DPR, Meutya Hafid in a statement, Friday, November 5.

The Golkar politician explained that the documents that have been verified include, among others, curriculum vitae, NPWP (Taxpayer Identification Number), identity card (KTP), family card, State Administrator Wealth Report (LHKPN), Annual Tax Return (SPT) and Certificate of Cleanliness/Health (SKBD).

"In the documents, General Andika has one wife and two children," he added.

The document also states that General Andika has reported the LHKPN in June 2021. It is recorded that he has assets of up to Rp. 179 billion.

"Then they have reported the latest tax on June 20, 2021 as well as a statement of being physically and mentally healthy according to the doctor's statement with negative PCR results," he explained.

It is known, the fit and proper test process will be carried out on Saturday, November 6, starting at 10.00 WIB. There are also a number of issues that will be asked by the defense commission, from the issue of Papuan security to the maritime security of the archipelago.

After that, it was continued by deepening the General Hearing Meeting (RDPU) of Commission I DPR with the candidate for the TNI Commander.

"The factual verification is planned to be carried out after the RDPU, on Sunday, November 7, 2021," concluded Meutya.

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