JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology together with Kalbe Consumer Health, through the Sakatonic ABC brand, launched the 3M ABC Campaign (Nutrition Intake, Active and Cheerful) in order to support the implementation of the Limited Face-to-face Learning (PTM) health protocol for the new academic year 2021/2022 .

This campaign aims to educate elementary school students throughout Indonesia about the importance of implementing the 3M health protocol and the ABC healthy lifestyle by fulfilling nutritional intake, one of which is through the provision of multivitamins, being active and cheerful to fight COVID-19. The 3M ABC campaign includes national programs and other support programs.

In the national program, Kemendikbudristek together with Kalbe Consumer Health, supported by the Association of Sports Medicine Specialist Doctors (PDSKO) made campaign materials in the form of videos of the 3M ABC Gymnastics Movement that are fun, easy to do and remember by children, exercise manuals and e-posters to be distributed. to 149,000 elementary schools throughout Indonesia, training for students under the Ministry of Education and Culture network, and providing support in the form of Sakatonic ABC multivitamins to 100 elementary schools in Indonesia.

Director of Elementary Schools, Directorate General of Early Childhood Education, Primary and Secondary Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Sri Wahyuningsih said the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture also encourages children to be active in school, one of which is by doing the 3M ABC Gymnastics Movement. .

"This gymnastics movement is a fun educational tool for children in understanding the importance of 3M and fulfilling nutritional intake, moving actively and cheerfully to fight COVID-19. We recommend the 3M ABC exercise to be carried out thoroughly for students in grades 1-6 before the implementation of the activity. Teaching and Learning (KBM) and also carried out during the implementation of classical Sports and Health Physical Education (PJOK) learning," Sri said in a webinar, Friday, November 5.

Sri Wahyuningsih further said that the Ministry of Education and Technology appreciates Kalbe Consumer Health through the Sakatonic ABC brand for its initiation in compiling the 3M ABC Campaign with gymnastics movements, educational and training materials.

"Hopefully this 3M ABC Campaign will provide great benefits for the young generation of the nation's successors," said Sri.

Chairman of the Association of Sports Medicine Specialists (PDSKO), Leny Pintowari explained, to stay healthy and fit, children need to regularly move or exercise for at least 60 minutes every day. By moving actively, children's growth and development process becomes more optimal, as well as good for children's physical, mental and spiritual development.

"The 3M ABC Gymnastics Movement was prepared directly by Sports Health Specialists from PDSKO by incorporating elements of 3M prokes reminders and ABC's healthy lifestyle. Nutritional intake, active movement, and cheerfulness," said Leny.

Furthermore, Leny added, this movement is easy to implement and fun for children. This movement lasts 12 minutes so it can be done several times a day. Children are recommended to do this exercise regularly for at least 10-12 weeks to get benefits such as increasing endurance, maintaining and increasing heart and lung resistance, increasing muscle and bone strength, increasing flexibility, supporting physical, mental, social development. , children's behavior and cognitive.

"And protect from diseases due to lack of movement such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, bone loss (osteoporosis) and others," said Leny.

Director of Kalbe Consumer Health, Feni Herawati said, a complete and balanced nutritional intake is the key to optimal growth and development in children. Meeting the nutritional adequacy and giving Sakatonic ABC multivitamins every day can support children's physical and intellectual development, as well as strengthen their immune systems.

In dealing with limited PTM, said Feni, parents need to make sure their children comply with the 3M health protocol and carry out the ABC lifestyle by maintaining adequate nutritional intake, moving actively every day and staying cheerful.

"The 3M ABC campaign is a form of Kalbe Consumer Health's commitment, through our brand Sakatonic ABC, in supporting the 3M Campaign and Limited Face-to-face Learning by the Government. In addition, this campaign also aims to support the growth and development and health of Indonesian children, through Sakatonic ABC which contains a complete multivitamin from vitamin AE which is important for the body of Indonesian children," explained Feni.

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