JAKARTA - The development of information technology and the era of the millennial generation is currently a challenge for all related parties to be adaptive in improving the housing subsidy distribution process.

For this reason, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Public Service Agency for Housing Financing Fund Management (PPDPP), the Directorate General of Public Works and Housing Infrastructure Financing launched the Housing Subsidized KPR Information System Application (SiKasep). This mobile application can be downloaded for free via Playstore.

The application launch was carried out by the Secretary General of the Ministry of PUPR Anita Firmanti representing the Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono, accompanied by the Director General (Dirjen) for Housing Provision of Khalawi AH, and the Director General of Public Works Infrastructure Financing, Eko Djoeli Heripoerwanto Housing, and the President Director of PPDPP Arief Sabaruddin in Jakarta, Thursday 19 December.

This system is designed to make it easier for the community, especially Low-Income Communities (MBR) to find and determine the subsidized housing they expect.

"The SiKasep application is expected to meet the needs of the millennial generation who want speed and ease of information in choosing and buying the house they are interested in. It is estimated that there are approximately 81 million people of the millennial generation who do not have homes. This is a potential market, ”said Minister Basuki in his remarks read by Secretary General Anita.

PPDPP President Director Arief Sabaruddin in his report said that the launch of SiKasep was expected to make MBR no longer an object, but a subject of housing provision. Through SiKasep, online users connect with the government, implementing banks, and developers using a host to host system.

As for the user verification process, SiKasep is connected directly to the Ministry of Home Affairs which is also connected to FLPP data managed by the PPDPP BLU so that subsidies can be right on target.

"The use of the SiKasep application is based on coordinates, so that users can apply for subsidized KPR such as KPR Sejahtera FLPP or others to the desired Bank. In addition, users can also immediately check the status of their subsidized KPR application process, ”said Arief.

For Implementing Banks, according to Arief, SiKasep makes it easier to identify potential borrowers, where the prospective debtor who submits has met the criteria as a subsidy recipient with the housing unit he has chosen so that the mortgage application process is more efficient.

Meanwhile, registered housing developers can contribute to the system by collecting complete housing data, both those already available, under construction, and future development plans.

"Likewise with the quality of the house, the developer will be obliged to register the plots that are being built in each stage of the process with criteria ranging from white during preparation to yellow, yellow during the construction process, green ready for KPR, and red already occupied," explained Arief.

Meanwhile, for PPDPP, said Arief, this application is useful in monitoring the quality of building construction through cooperation with local governments, so that it also supports the relaxation policy of the Proper Function Certificate (SLF) / IMB). This is possible because SiKasep is formed based on the concept of supply (availability) and demand (need).

"So that finally PPDPP Ministry of PUPR will have big data (big data) related to the number of MBR juxtaposed with housing stocks and processes from upstream to downstream. It is hoped that in 2020, when we talk about the backlog, the numbers are real time, "said Arief.

Through SiKasep, the government can find out the need for housing directly from the community and can encourage developers together with implementing banks to meet housing availability as needed by the community.

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