BANDARLAMPUNG - The Lampung Regional Police (Polda) has fired a member of the Bripka Police, Irfan Setiawan, who took the car belonging to a student in Bandarlampung.

Lampung Regional Police Chief Inspector General Hendro Sugiatno leads the ceremony for the Disrespectful Dismissal (PTDH) of problematic personnel at the Bandarlampung Police Headquarters, Monday, November 1.

In addition, the police officer was also found to have tested positive for narcotics. The Lampung Police are still investigating the narcotics that Irfan got.

"We are still developing it and we cannot conclude. We will take legal action, both against civil society and the seller. Currently members are still outside to pursue," said the Kapolda quoted by Antara.

The Regional Police Chief has also taken firm action against the police officers involved in the car confiscation.

Bripka Irfan Setiawan was dishonorably dismissed because he was involved in a car confiscation case with state civil servants (ASN) in Lampung some time ago.

The Lampung Police are still developing to arrest two other suspects who are on the wanted list (DPO). The Regional Police also appealed to the perpetrators to surrender before taking firm action.

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