JAKARTA - Volunteers supporting Ganjar Pranowo, known as GP Mania, have unanimously supported the governor of Central Java to run for the upcoming 2024 presidential election. Although there is no party that will carry it yet, the General Chairperson of Jokowi Mania (JoMan) as well as GP Mania, Immanuel Ebenezer or Noel stated , the party should follow the will of the people. After all, sovereignty is in the hands of the people.

"No matter how strong the party is, with the current trend, the party must follow the will of the people, not the people following the will of the party," said Noel when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, November 3. It is known that Ganjar is a PDIP cadre. However, PDIP has yet to give approval for Ganjar to run as a presidential candidate. According to Noel, with today's era of openness plus digitalization as it is now, the vote for first-time voters in the 2024 election could reach 45 percent. If the will of the people from the novice voter factor is difficult to half, then it's just a matter of how to gather votes from the social majority group and civil society to merge into one to support the presidential candidate. In this case, Ganjar Pranowo.

Staying ahead, said Noel, Ganjar must maintain his electability and consistency as a leader. Like Jokowi.

"Today, the middle, upper and lower groups need a change, not just a slogan. We don't want the basis of deceit, in the future we want a leader who has the consistency of Jokowi. Jokowi wants to be attacked in any way, his consistency in the problems of this nation is related to infrastructure development, that's why until now he has been very focused on development," explained Noel.

"No one in the nation's leaders can solve the country's problems, but even one Jokowi is extraordinary," he added.

It is known that JoMan volunteers have dropped their support for Ganjar Pranowo to run as a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election. Volunteers supporting Ganjar led by Noel have transformed into GP Mania. "Today, Mas Ganjar, we will see a figure who can maintain the legacy of President Jokowi," said Noel.

According to Noel, Jokowi has succeeded in creating a high standard of future leadership for the nation. Namely, first, by working. Second, don't get caught up in the political game. "And third, stay consistent in maintaining the ideology of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," he said. GP Mania then reminded Ganjar Pranowo to carry out the leadership standards that Jokowi had made. Because even though he supports, GP Mania will not indiscriminately criticize the government if it is not in accordance with the ideals of the nation, including Ganjar if he becomes president. "We will destroy Jokowi's government, we don't care. We will also give a warning to Mas Ganjar, don't compromise with bandits and gang up in the cabinet," said Noel.

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