Why Are PCR Prices Cheap Now? This Is The Reason
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JAKARTA - The reduction in the RT-PCR test rate to IDR 275 thousand in Java-Bali and IDR 300 thousand outside Java-Bali is currently being questioned by a number of parties. Why is the cost of a new COVID-19 test so cheap now?

This was answered by a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi. Nadia said that the determination of the highest tariff for PCR tests depends on market conditions, in this case the price of reagents and other components.

Reagan is a chemical that is mixed to produce a reaction that is used to detect the COVID-19 virus.

"Adjustments are made according to existing conditions, including market prices, supply and types, which so far have reached 200 brands of reagents with varying prices," Nadia told VOI, Wednesday, November 3.

Nadia explained that the evaluation of the price adjustment for the PCR examination is of course in the public interest in order to get a fair price.

He said that the determination of PCR with tariffs of IDR 275 thousand and IDR 300 thousand was considered reasonable. Currently, the average price of reagents purchased by Indonesia ranges from IDR 90 thousand to IDR 140 thousand.

Then, the calculation of the PCR tariff, apart from being based on the reagent purchase capital, also consists of other components, namely services or human resources, administrative costs, overheating, and other costs that are adjusted to current conditions.

"The government evaluates the price of the PCR examination from time to time to ensure that the public gets the examination according to the price they should have paid," explained Nadia.

Separately, Secretary General of the Association of Indonesian Medical and Laboratory Equipment Company Organizations (Gakeslab Indonesia) Randy Teguh explained the history of the comparison of PCR rates with the development of reagent prices.

Randy said, when the government set the highest RT-PCR tariff of IDR 900 thousand in October 2020, at that time the price of reagents was still quite high.

"Why is it now (the PCR test rate) has just dropped? Actually, when the government limited the price to IDR 900 thousand, the price of PCR reagents was around IDR 400 thousand to IDR 500 thousand. It is still high," said Rendy in a virtual discussion.

At that time, the COVID-19 pandemic was still relatively new. After all, there are still few reagent supply companies. Reagent producers entering Indonesia range from 5 to 10 types.

"So, at that time the price was still high," he said.

Then in mid-August 2021, the government again lowered the highest PCR tariff to IDR 495.000 in Java-Bali and IDR 525,000 outside Java-Bali. Randy explained that at that time the price of the reagent had dropped by around IDR 200 thousand.

"That's why it can go down, because so far there are 52 types of PCR reagent brands. So actually the prices for reagents or medical devices have followed market dynamics," he explained.

Until finally, on October 27, the Ministry of Health again announced the maximum tariff limit for PCR to IDR 275.000 and IDR 300 thousand.

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