Close The Private Sector Corruption Gap, KPK Now Has A Business Entity Anti-Corruption Directorate

JAKARTA - Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring of Rewards from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Pahala Nainggolan said that his party now has a new directorate to close the gap in corruption from the private sector, namely the Directorate of Anti-Corruption for Business Entities or AKBU. He said this directorate existed since this year.

"Starting 2021, the KPK will have a new directorate called the Directorate of Anti-Corruption for Business Entities or what we call the AKBU," Pahala said in an online discussion that was broadcast on the Indonesian KPK YouTube, Tuesday, November 2.

He said the directorate was specifically designed to help the private sector no longer get caught up in corruption cases. Pahala said that a private sector that does not involve criminal acts of hooliganism is needed because Indonesia is predicted to progress due to investment that continues to grow.

"Well, it's the private sector that encourages investment," he said.

Pahala said that currently the private sector is one of the contributors to the highest number of suspects since the KPK was established. He said that the KPK had taken action against 356 private parties.

"This is proven, from empirical data that as long as the Corruption Eradication Commission is established the most suspects are from the private sector because this is natural. The biggest ones are bribes and gratuities and when viewed from the sector, most of the procurement of goods, services, and permits," said Pahala.

"Therefore, this directorate was specifically formed to reduce the role of the private sector or reduce the number of suspects from the private sector," he added.

Moreover, according to Pahala, so far the executive, legislative, and judicial sectors already have prevention programs at the KPK. While the private sector so far has not been a concern of the KPK.

"Of course we can see the amount of bribes given from the private sector to the executive, legislative, judicial. That's how the bribes go. From the executive, legislature, judiciary there are prevention programs but there are no private ones, so once again the AKBU Directorate is designed to reduce the supply of bribes from the private sector," he concluded. .

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