JAKARTA - A Tiktok social media account named @ESCHATOLOGY.CHANEL uploaded a video with an introduction to the narrative stating that Puan Maharani suggested implanting a microchip in her hand.

This video takes the results of an interview with Puan Maharani who at that time served as the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Photo turnbackhoax.id

Reported by turnbackhoax.id, after checking the facts, there was an error in the use of Puan Maharani's video interview about the installation of the microchip.

Launching from Beritasatu's Youtube media upload 5 years ago, the chip installation plan proposed by Puan at that time was not aimed at the entire community, but at the perpetrators of sexual crimes.

According to Puan, the chip installation is an act of supervision and prevention so that the perpetrators of these sexual crimes do not repeat their crimes. Puan also stated that the plan is still in the process of coordinating with the police to regulate the execution mechanism.

So, it can be concluded that the introduction to the narrative which states that Puan suggested the use of a microchip in hand is misinformation, and this is included in the hoax category of misleading content or misleading content.

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