Brian May's Condition Is Gradually Healing Since He Had A Heart Attack
Brian May (Instagram @brianmayforreal)

JAKARTA - Brian May thanked his fans and sympathizers for the love and support they gave after he had a heart attack.

Guitarist Queen told fans he was 'near death' earlier this month while he was hospitalized. At that time, doctors found that three arteries in May's heart were blocked.

Posting the video on Instagram on Tuesday, May 26 US time, May said she felt quite stable in terms of health but was still trying to recover and had to do physios.

He then discussed the outpouring of 'love and support' he has received since opening his mouth regarding his health condition.

"I was really touched by the flow of love and support I received after all the incredible coverage in the media, I really didn't expect any of that," said May.

"As you can see, I'm fine ... my email box and the others are so full of incredible messages, I can never thank you individually, so allow me, at least to thank you here. Absolutely unbelievable. "

May added that he felt like he was dead but he could come to the funeral and see all the respect given to him. All this time she had often thought that at the funeral, everyone would come and say beautiful things about the person who left but she couldn't hear them.

“I'm lucky, I can hear it (those beautiful things) - so my life is complete. Yes, I'm sorry if that sounds weird, but I can't compare it to anything. "

The guitarist concluded by thanking his fans again, saying: "Thank you, that's all I can say, for some of the fantastic love you have given me. Very much appreciated, I will never forget it."

May was previously hospitalized earlier this month after tearing her gluteus maximus muscle while gardening.

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