JAKARTA - Deftones vocalist Chino Mereno chose to distance himself from the people who hunted for his signature, who made a recent appearance in Dallas.
According to Consequence, after Deftones completed the show in Dallaa, Moreno was bombarded by a number of people who wanted to get a signature.
Moreno looked annoyed that people had bought some footage for signature, which was likely to be sold later. Even one person is reported to have ten albums. Even so, he still signs all existing albums.
Continuing to sign albums one by one, Moreno finally expressed his disappointment. He did not want to compromise with the sign-seekers, and said he would no longer serve the same thing.
"Continue and tell your friends that I'm not doing this nonsense anymore," Moreno said.
Furthermore, the 51-year-old vocalist implies that this moment is the last time he has signed a signature for fans.
"You go into your little group and tell people I won't sign anything anymore," he said.
"I've signed this now, but tell them I won't sign anything (again)."
For information, the show in Dallas is part of the Deftones tour in North America. The Mars Volta is the opening performer, bringing in an unreleased setlist.
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