JAKARTA - The All-Indonesian Composite Association (AKSI) through Piyu as General Chair and Ahmad Dhani as Chairman of the Board of Trustees gave a response to Ariel NOAH's disapproval regarding permission to songwriters in the context of music performances.
Piyu criticized Ariel's words which stated that he could perform the song without direct permission. The Padi Reborn frontman called Ariel's attitude and conveyed to the public the same as 'killing' the songwriters' efforts to fight for their rights.
"Maybe we can perform songs without permission, it doesn't matter say I and Ahmad Dhani are also performers, Mas Ahmad Dhani is in Dewa and I are in Padi but if we do that, it's the same as killing the lives of songwriters who don't get their rights, who are not performers like us, who really only depend on making songs," said Piyu during an ACTION press conference in Senayan, Central Jakarta, Friday, March 21.
Connecting what Piyu said, Ahmad Dhani tried to give a tougher response to the NOAH vocalist.
"That's how Piyu talks, if my way is like this: Ariel means she thinks about herself. She didn't create it to think about other people. So, Ariel was not created to think about the lives of many people. For me and Mas Piyu, what we think is not only the two of us, but also the songwriter behind," said Dhani.
"I mean this, if you don't think about other creators, you don't have to be rich. In my opinion, those who say 'yes, please bring my song without permission first'. That means I think I'm rich, pretending to be rich, even though I don't necessarily pass. I'm rich," he concluded.
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