JAKARTA - Recently, it is not only the world of music that is not okay, the state is also in a dangerous condition. All speak in a way, either through forums or social media, including Baskara Putra, who is known as the Indies.
As a musician who has a mass base, the Indies often express their aspirations in their stage actions. From the issue of genocide in Palestine, Dark Indonesia to the latest, related to the campaign to Reject the Revision of the TNI Law, he consistently spoke up.
With the big name they have, of course there are risks or consequences that the Indies may face. Not all musicians dare to express their political attitude, and their decision to 'play safe' is understandable. When the industry rises after the pandemic, the thing they can do is maintain their existence and a minimum may not 'burn the bridge'.
But as an indie musician, the Indies became one of the fastest to protest. In addition to condemning political crimes through their work, they also often speak through visuals and social media.
The presence of Baskara et al is also a symbol of the freedom of young people to express opinions. The music stage can also be a funnel to make changes, especially for the younger generation who are the demographics of the connoisseurs of the Indies.
Let the grassroots be protected by other figures, but for the younger generation, the Indies play an important role. Let's continue to hope that he and a number of other musicians remain free to voice their heads as part of their right to opinion.
Sukatani is enough to experience intimidation to make changes. Hopefully the music actors will also become social control for state delinquency that has time not to be allowed.
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