JAKARTA - Miley Cyrus announced that she is ready to introduce the latest studio album. Through the official website, the Grammy winner pinned the title for the upcoming album, "Something Beautiful".

Since last year, the 32-year-old singer has started to open up about the concept of her album, which will be a follow-up to her LP which was released in 2023 "Endless Summer Vacation".

Then, Cyrus released a single Beautiful That Way written and recorded for the film The Last Showgirl starring Pamela Anderson. The ballad was written with Lykke Li and Andrew totaling, and was nominated for the Golden Globe in the Best Original Song category.

Meanwhile, the profile photo used by Cyrus on the official website and Instagram account, shows a new black and white image of her silhouette.

Although details about the upcoming album are still unknown, Miley Cyrus last November revealed, the album will also be a visual album inspired by Pink Floyd's Wall.

"We really tried hard. So, I have a big attachment to the album. My idea is to create The Wall, but in better and more glamorous clothes and full of pop culture," Cyrus said, citing NME, Thursday, March 20.

But there will be novelty that will be differentiable. He described the feel of his album as something hypnotized and glamorous.

"This is a concept album that is an effort to treat a culture that is sick through music," he said. "I want to be a psychedelic human for others.

Cyrus added, "I don't want anyone to try to be like me or imitate me or even be inspired by me. I want to influence the frequency in your body that makes you vibrate at different levels."

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