JAKARTA - The Indonesian Voice Vibration (VISION) first appeared on social media in mid-February. The association of singers did not speak too much at first, until finally speaking openly to the media through a press conference in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta on Wednesday, March 19 evening.
In his story, Armand Maulana (GIGI) who was shown to be the General Chair said that this association was formed with similar unrest in response to confusion regarding royalties on performing rights.
"As long as at first I posted a feed, then it turned out that these singers called me, everyone said 'Wow Kang, how come Kang Armand has voiced too?' I said, 'I'm sure why? Yes, please let me speak up, right? I also have the right to speak up, as long as it's not SARA and so on." said Armand.
"And it turns out that we have the same concern. Well, I made a Whatsapp group. Finally, I didn't know either, because I made the group, I became the General Chair," he continued.
The formation of VISION is seen well. The reason is, there is no association that only consists of singers, at least in the last 40 years. Meanwhile, the problems that occur in the realm of Indonesian music are currently felt to have touched the continuity of the singer as a profession.
Different from the many cases in the past that were more internal in nature, both in one group and among personal musicians, the current problem with music culminated in the decision of the Central Jakarta Commercial Court which decided that Agnez Mo was guilty of causing the threat of the Indonesian music ecosystem.
The difference of opinion that seems to be being described as a fight between a singer and songwriter even though the VISION firmly rejects this assumption because of differences of opinion on the articles in Law No. 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright (UUHC) which was stated haphazardly in public spaces.
One thinks like this, the other thinks like that. From us, so far we have actually been in accordance with the applicable laws and laws, according to regulations. said Bunga Citra Lestari. Now we are confused. Because we don't know what's wrong, which is right, what's the solution, and what should we do.
Meanwhile, Iga Massardi (Bara Suara) expressed differences of opinion as normal. However, he questioned if the opinion was conveyed in a rude way and only concerned with the interests of a group of parties.
Differences in responding to an issue are very common. Differences in opinion, differences in approach, are very, very common to happen anywhere. But what is not commonplace is when fighting roughly," said Iga. And we from VISION have never had a problem talking to each other well and conducively. So, regarding what we will convey here, actually the vision of this VISION is to make conditions conducive and peaceful.
As is well known, 29 singers who are members of VISI have requested a judicial review to the Constitutional Court (MK) for five articles in the UUHC. This step was taken for legal certainty related to royalties for performing rights in Indonesia. Moreover, this method is a constitutional and most rational route.
Judika, who is also a member, stated that the existence and certainty of UUHC is important, considering her role as the basis for carrying out the singing profession.
"We singers are actually very cooperative for anything, never have any bad intentions, and sometimes we feel judged, we are called stingy and others. We are also sad," said Judika.
To describe the petition for judicial review to the Constitutional Court, Judika gave a parable like what happened to the world of football, where musicians, both singers and songwriters, were football players, and the Constitutional Court as state institutions such as the World Football Federation (FIFA).
"In football, there is FIFA, they make the rules. There are referees as officers who follow the rules. And there are players who play according to the rules," he said. If among these players we are the players in the music industry there are those who mispercept the rules or laws that make us have different opinions, so don't we attack each other. We are players. There are no players who attack players about the rules.
"That's right, why should we argue on the green field. We should ask the regulator," said Ariel (NOAH) who is also a member of VISION.
Therefore, said Ariel, a member of VISI as a citizen who has constitutional rights, submitted a request for judicial review to the Constitutional Court. According to Ariel, 'That is a good step. And at least make this gray situation clearer.'
In addition, Titi DJ as one of the senior singers who joined VISI, said this association was not present to clash with musicians or other associations. He realized that all parties in the music ecosystem have equal and equally important positions.
"In the midst of the existing polemic vortex, we decided to mediate in an adult way, namely by asking the country that has made regulations," said Titi. The polemic that has existed in the past few years is not only felt by songwriters, but also producers, musicians, promoters and many other parties. And we listen to all parties. We want to defend songwriters, singers, producers, and musicians in the best possible way.
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