JAKARTA - A Big Story presented to a talented young singer, Chintya Gabriella. This is his latest single after introducing Ambitious at the end of last year.
This song brings enthusiasm and motivation, written by Chintya with Petra Sihombing who also acts as a producer. This project is their second collaboration after "Ambisius" which is deemed to be able to deliver the message of the song nicely.
According to the soloist who was born in Medan, North Sumatra, this is an inspiration for his song, he can go through himself and the people around him who are in the overthinking phase.
"If the single Ambisius raises the theme of pursuing ambition to forgetting to enjoy life, in this latest song, I focus on encouraging and motivating, both for myself and for others. Getting older, usually the things we think about will be more and more. But, in every anxiety and worry that is being experienced, we must learn to calm down and control ourselves. Maybe, the path we consider 'buntu' turns out to be an unprecedented solution," Chintya said in a parallel broadcast received by VOI, March 19.
Differences in distance are a challenge in the process of producing Chintya's latest single this time. The first part was done by Chintya and Petra through an online meeting application, then continued during a workshop in Bali.
Even so, it only took two days to complete the 'Big Story' to become the song that is now. This talent search event dropout revealed that writing the right lyrics so that the message of this song to the listeners is a challenge in itself.
The challenge must exist because I really think about how the message in this single can be well received by my listeners later. However, thanks to the help of Kak Petra and the WeCord team, what I want to convey through the lyrics Big Story can be composed properly, he arrived.
There are several differences that Chintya brings in the song Cerita Besar. There is an exploration that is trying to be poured into his latest musical works.
First, in terms of arrangement. There was a guitar distortion at the beginning which was a new thing for my music, but I like it. Second, how to sing. Here, I still use my old singing style, but the nature is more like a dialogue. Third, the difference in the vibe of the song. Although the theme is equally motivating, in this song, I prefer to have a dialogue with my listeners. There is a slight change in the part of the universe to better adapt to the current situation," he explained.
Although he admitted that it was not easy, writing songs gave Chintya Gabriella her own satisfaction. He also enjoys the process of growing and learning, as well as finding inspiration that can come from anywhere.
If we are deadlocked when we write, maybe we can healing for a while or do the things we like. Who knows, from there, ideas are sparked that can be poured into lyrics. Don't forget to continue to work sincerely and from the heart, after that, just wait for time until people feel relevant to our work," he said.
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