JAKARTA - As a singer from the Millennial generation, Nowela Mikhelia praised the ability of two Gen Z musicians who worked with her on the singles 'Back To You', Daniel J and Dustin David.

Meanwhile, Embarrassed J helped in songwriting and became a music producer, while Dustin helped as a producer.

Nowela said she was satisfied with what she and Dustin were doing. He saw that musician Gen Z was able to give his song a new color.

"Gen Z's child, the taste of the music is really modern. They can also give me a new color on my vocals," said Nowela during a virtual interview with VOI recently.

"So, it's really interesting to work with these Gen Z children. They have really interesting ideas," he continued.

Nowela said she and Dustin were not the first Gen Z musicians to work with. He said he was satisfied after working with younger musicians.

"They are children who know what they are doing," said the 37-year-old singer.

Besides stigma, yes, saying Gen Z had his own problems, Nowela said that those engaged in the music field were genius musicians.

"I can say they are very smart, they are very smart. Yes, maybe on the other hand we know, there are issues about Gen Z's children's mentality. I still feel that maybe there is a truth, but in the field of music, I feel Gen Z's children are very smart," he concluded.

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