JAKARTA - Two consecutive years of entertaining with the concept of interesting music performances, Swara Prambanan will be back at the end of 2025. The art, culture and music festival, which is the annual agenda in the Prambanan Temple Tourism Park area, is ready to celebrate New Year's Eve.

Febrina Intan as President Director of the Injourney Destination Management expressed her gratitude to all parties who have supported this event from 2023 to the latest edition.

"Injourney Destination Management thanks all art connoisseurs who have welcomed Swara Prambanan for two consecutive years. The spirit to channel national cultural diversity in art is our motivation to return to giving the best in 2025," he said in a press release received by VOI, March 17.

Seeing the enthusiasm of visitors in previous years, Swara Prambanan 2025 started a series of events with the sale of "Blind Ticket". This special ticket for IDR 50,000 is offered in limited quantities and is only available for a certain period.

This price includes a ticket to enter the Prambanan Temple Tourism Park. The sale of Blind Ticket Swara Prambanan 2025 starts on March 13, 2025 via an official website. What are the excitement that will be presented at the event later?

Swara Prambanan presents the collaboration of Yogyakarta's local arts and cultural diversity as an authentic value. At the end of the evening celebrations of 2023 and 2024, this festival was enlivened by dozens of arts and cultural activists. Visitors can enjoy various interesting workshops such as making Wayang Suket, batik, painting wayangs and kites, making usdangs, and making ceramics.

This festival also features the Roro Jonggrang Legend Dance, Yogyakarta traditional dance, wayang, pantomime, angklung, film screening, as well as various other exciting performances. This complete cultural dish has consistently succeeded in attracting thousands of spectators, including tourists from outside Yogyakarta and outside Java.

Promoters also initiate interactive sessions for visitors to learn these various traditional cultures. This workshop and cultural performance attracted the attention of various age groups, especially children and adolescents.

In addition, the 2023 and 2024 editions of Swara Prambanan were also enlivened by national musicians such as Sheila On 7, Raisa, Vina Panduwinata, JKT48, and many others, who successfully enlivened New Year's Eve.

The culinary wealth of the archipelago is also the attraction of Swara Prambanan, with the presence of the Medang Market in collaboration with culinary players in Yogyakarta. This variety of traditional and authentic Yogyakarta culinary foods completes the reasons for making Swara Prambanan a special year-end tourist destination. This combination of harmony between art, culture, music and culinary provides an unforgettable experience for the citizens of Swara, especially young families.

Although the list of performers for the 2025 edition has not been announced, the promoter promised no less impressive excitement. Faqih Mulyawan, CEO of GoldLive Indonesia, and Andri Verraning Ayu, CEO of Antara Suara, stated that this year's Swara stage will be more colorful and lively.

"We have done a thorough line-up curation for Swara Prambanan 2025. We ensure that by the end of this year it will be an unforgettable moment for the Citizens of Swara. In the near future, we will announce a list of musicians, artists, and the cultural arts community who will appear in Swara Prambanan," he concluded.

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