JAKARTA - Iis Dahlia regrets the chaos about royalties that never end, especially the difference in views as if making music people seem to be divided.
According to the 52-year-old singer, all parties, especially musicians, must lower their respective egos. The reason is, what is happening now will have an impact on Indonesian music in the future.
"If I say we both lower our respective egos, while we still have it. If not, we will feel sorry for our children and grandchildren who worked in the music field," said Iis to the media crew in Tendean, South Jakarta recently.
"We are fixing it, we both lower our egos, we are united together. Come on, friends! Because I really miss the togetherness of the musicians," he continued.
Iis said that musicians who are currently members of the legislature should be reliable in dealing with this problem. They can use their closeness to the government to improve music in the country.
"Now there are friends who are already in the DPR, who are competent, if they want to change the law they can. So, while they are there, they are close to the government too," he said.
"Because after all we need government support to fix all of this. Otherwise, it's just complicated, it's like there's no solution, there's no final way."
Furthermore, Iis also encouraged musicians to unite to fix the Collective Management Institute (LMK) and the National Collective Management Institute (LMKN) for better transparency.
"It's better for both of us to fix the existing LMK and LMKN," he said. Actually, everyone demands welfare, right, so that they are audited, the transparency is correct. It must be that everything is prosperous.
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