JAKARTA - After releasing his debut single, 321 (Im Callin) in 2024, Cécil offered a new work in 2025. He released a new track that also enlivened the hip hop Indonesia scene through his second single, Is It Love?.
With the lyrics he wrote himself, the rapper of the woman who was born on November 12, 1998 was also assisted by Gamaliel Abram Pradipta for the music section. According to Cécil, 'Is It Love?' inspired by his personal experience which often questions the attitude of those closest to him.
"If it's likened, maybe I'm like asking them: so, actually you really love, love, and care about me or just looking for me when you need it? So, this song is like an outlet for questions that always revolve around my head, "explained Cécil in a press release received by VOI, January 31.
Not only a couple, the owner of the real name Novi Christiany. This also feels that friends often behave like that too. To represent the image of the theme of the song, Cécil chooses three words: relationship, confusion, and self-confidence.
"Obviously, this song describes a relationship that should run in two directions. But, that doesn't happen at all. Next, the word confused represents my confusion in a partner or friend who has the heart to behave like this, something that people we think are not supposed to do that matters in our lives. Lastly, it's a sense of confidence in ourselves (self confidence). This is the point when we feel tired of everything and prefer to believe in ourselves rather than believe in others and start keeping our distance because we are only looking for it when we need it."
Cecil expresses her personal experience in the process of writing this single. It only takes one day to create the lyrics that according to her fit, then connected to the single work process, such as recording, mixing, until finally ready for release in January.
"I like to be involved if I have to sing lyrics in Indonesian because I'm used to using English, but that's where I feel the challenge: how to pronounce it well so that the meaning of this song can be conveyed and understood by my listeners," he explained.
According to a woman who has been familiar with the music world from a young age, even though 'Is It Love' contains 1001 questions about the attitude of a partner or friend who only needs it if there is a desire, but the vibe of this song does not necessarily become sad.
Cécil Yang had the opportunity to work with the Asics shoe brand. Not only was he one of the musicians who received support from Askics for his consistency in the music world, Cécil also collaborated with the brand in making music videos for the song 'Is It Love?'.
In this video, Askics presents a number of contemporary dancers who have previously worked with them, enriching the visuals of this work with dynamic and artistic movements and bringing harmonious excitement between music and fashion. Cécil Yang's newest single, Is It Love?, can be heard on digital music platforms starting January 31 and the music video can be watched on the Youtube platform starting February 1, 2025.
The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)