JAKARTA - The Bingah concert will be Yura Yunita's biggest concert to celebrate her ten years of journey in the Indonesian music industry. The show, which will be held by Kantara Creative, will be held at Istora Senayan, Central Jakarta on Sunday, February 2 at 15.00 WIB.

Given how important the Bingah concert is, Yura has undergone intensive training to prepare for maximum performance on stage. The 33 singer also mentioned that an incident occurred during training.

"I was all out in training, nine hours per day for this concert. Until finally I was shocked, really like a few days ago I was lifted, slammed, and one day we wanted to do the last joint exercise, five days ago, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move, my ribs... So I couldn't just move, "said Yura at a press conference in Senayan, Central Jakarta, Friday, 31

The incident had made people panic, until finally Yura had to undergo physiotherapy. Fortunately, the recovery went well and quickly.

"Those are people crying. I saw my manager crying, we all panicked, I couldn't move either, I couldn't breathe," said the 'Tipu-Tipu' singer.

"I continued to be taken to physiotherapy, my body was stabbed, the doctor was sophisticated, continued to bed rest for one day, but my mind was thinking about how it would be about concerts. But from there I believed, every time we wanted to go up to the level, I always believed God gave me trials and I believed, "he continued.

"I believe this is a test for us, God willing, there will be success after this. After being sincere and resigned, one day of rest, after that the day after tomorrow slowly can move again."

Two days before the concert, Yura also expressed his readiness. He will appear in a show that lasts for 2 hours 30 minutes. Yura will bring his best works, such as Go Home, Tutut Batin, Love and Secrets, Dunia Tipu-Tipu, Jalan Pulang, and many more.

Konser musik ini bukan tentang aku dan saya, namun ini tentang karya musik yang telah menjadi bagian dari perjalanan hidup kita. Karya lagu yang familiar buat mereka akan disampaikan dengan aransemen yang baru, namun akan ada kejutan sweet yang juga aku payangkan sebagai bentuk titik awal perjalanan saya selanjutnya. tutur Yura, yang menyebut akan ada lagu baru yang diyanjukan.

The show was hosted by Iwan Popo as a music director, supported by 15 accompanying musicians and equipped with 45 background dancers.

In this case, Mekarit as the record label and management that Yura Yunita founded, also played an active role.

"His own aspiration is the magic of Yura's works. At this concert, I tried to visualize the emotional side and the connection between his musical works and the taste of his connoisseurs, while still displaying Indonesian cultural roots as the cultural roots of all of us." said Donne Maula as Creative Director of Merakit

For information, the term bingah which comes from Sundanese, has a happy and happy meaning. This term is used as a concert title because it is deemed appropriate to represent a good prayer that Yura wants to echo, so that the journey of music in the future can have a happy and happy impact for her and all her fans.

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