JAKARTA - Elliot James Reay came to Indonesia to meet his fans on various occasions. One of them is by holding a question and answer session in the Jakarta area, where he expressed the inspiration behind his viral song, "I Think They Call This Love".
The song became a phenomenon in itself on social media, especially TikTok. Elliot revealed that this song was inspired by his first love.
"That's true, and we actually made this song together. So, we wrote this song about each other," Elliot said in an interview session in South Jakarta, citing ANTARA on Tuesday, January 28.
Elliot called "I Think They Call This Love" a very special song because the lyrics came from the bottom of his heart. He likes the lyrics and melodies of the song to be enjoyed by many people.
"Seeing everyone really like this song, the whole country listens to this song, streams, makes videos, and is connected to this song. I feel like people support me, it feels warm," said the singer in Elvis Presley's hairstyle.
Elliot composed the song "I Think They Call This Love" for three to four hours. He made the melody first, then wrote the lyrics.
He said that actually the song had two versions with different refreins.
"This is technically the second version," he said referring to the popular song "I Think They Call This Love".
"But, when we finished writing the song, it was still the first version of 'I Think They Call This Love', then we wrote the song with a different melody. Then I thought, what if we put this on? And we changed it," he said.
"I Think They Called This Love" is Elliot's first song. The song, which went viral because it is often used for social media content, was played 10 million times in the first month after its release.
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