JAKARTA - The popularity of the songs Garam and Madu from Tenxi, Jamsii and Naykilla still dominates social media. Indonesian national team player Sandy Walsh was also addicted.
It is undeniable that music is something that is familiar with sports athletes. Likewise with the national team players who like to listen to music during training or ahead of the match.
Sandy uploaded a video while practicing while playing the song Garam and Madu on January 25. After running on the spot and sit-up, he made a salfok with the song tersbut.
"I love this song, I know this song," Sandy said in the video before quitting training and dancing.
It didn't take long, Naykilla et al's work immediately became
Sandy Walsh's practice, which often likes songs from Indonesia.
"Lagu wajib olahraga saat ini Apa lagu olahraga favorit? Tulis di kolom komentar dan menantikan sesuatu yang KEREN yang akan hadir segera! ," tulisnya di caption.
Netizens were quite shocked and were entertained by Sandy's video on Instagram.
"Tiba2 "garam dan madu" ," kata salah satu netter di kolom komentar. "Lengah dikit lagu asal dan madu wkwk Manyala pak mustache ," kata lainnya membalili.
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