JAKARTA - The band from England, The 1975 is preparing for something big this summer. Badminton cs is rumored to have worked on a sixth studio album, with the main single titled 'God Has Entered My Body'.

According to The Sun's report, How come it will open up a brief relationship with Taylor Swift on the album.

As is known,iri became the talk of the town after dating Swift for a month in 2023.

The vocalist of The 1975 is also said to be an inspiration in some of Swift's songs on the album "The Torturing Poets Department", such as But Daddy I Love Him, Guilty As Sin?, Fresh Out The Slamer, and The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived.

With The upcoming album The 1975, it seems that My friend has had the opportunity to respond to Swift's songs, which are expected to talk about their relationship and how to deal with fame.

"Everyone in the studio thinks this is about their relationship with Taylor and their brief romance," an informant said, citing The Sun, Wednesday, January 22.

"Maty will never publicly comment on her relationship, but she expresses her deepest feelings in her songs and takes them all out of her chest. Fans will definitely want to listen to the lyrics carefully," she continued.

The informant saw the opportunity for The 1975 to appear at the Glastonbury Festival this year is also considered important. That way, You can introduce the music to the world.

"With the band that will be the main performer in Glastonbury, the new album to be released in the summer is perfect for them, so they can take advantage of their performances and have some new material," he said.

Previously, why did you make a subtle satire against Taylor Swift. He felt like a very famous public figure after his relationship with the 'Blank Space' singer.

Speaking on Doomscroll's podcast, How come I say, 'I think many artists are becoming very interested in their knowledge, or they become interested in things that have happened outside of their art that people know, and they want to talk about it (in their music).'

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