'Telat Cemburu', Meiska Sugakan Video Musik Yang Lebih Segar
Meiska (doc. Special)

JAKARTA - Meiska Adinda is ready to start something new in 2024. She has just released a single and MV 'Driminal Plate' which is different from her previous works.

Nuansa segar ditawarkan oleh Meiska lewat single terbarunya ini. Jika sebelumnya lagu-lagunya cenderung ke pop-ballad, di single 'Telat Cemburu', Meiska mengusung Pop RnB dengan tempo yang lebih cepat.

Regarding the lyrics, Meiska reveals her own life story and those closest to her. This song in particular, tells about the attitude of a woman who does not want to lose fans.

"When there was a guy who was close to him, he didn't want to, but when the guy went and found someone new, his girl was not willing and just felt jealous," said Meiska. This is also what Meiska finally wrote in the music video.

The video, which was directed by Ivan Makhasara, was presented with a colorful theme with a touch of pink and blue color in it. Made quite simple, the music video Driminary Plate starring Aldo Irawan Putra, Aina Nisa FPS, and Meiska herself.

Not only releasing singles, Meiska also plans to release her debut album this year. "This year I will make an album," said Meiska.

In addition to those that have been released, there will be several new singles as well. Now it is still in the process of collecting songs and is ready to be recorded," he continued.

Meiska actually also has a desire to collaborate with Indonesian musicians. In addition, holding a showcase is the closest goal from Meiska so that she can greet music lovers so far. The latest single Driminary Plates' can be heard on all digital streaming platforms in Indonesia and the music video can be watched on Meiska's Youtube Channel.

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