JAKARTA - The rock band from the United States, the Red Hot Chili Peppers have experienced various difficult phases in their careers. One of their toughest moments, none other than when guitarist John Frusciante chose to leave the group in 2009.

Rungkad. At that time RHCP had already become a band perched at the top. The schedule for performing as a headliner has also become daily food for Anthony Kiedis Cs.

The exit of Frusciante could mean an apocalypse, as it is a creative painter through the melodies played, while the music foundation is guarded by the solid duo of Chad Smith and Flea.

At that moment, the savior appeared. He is Josh Klinghoffer, a talented guitarist who has been a member of the RHCP tour, and is often involved in the project with other top musicians. Josh has completed this Los Angeles quartet even though he has to face the rain of criticism from fans.

Tentu bukan hal mudah menggantikan peran John Frusciante yang begitu liar memainkan gitar. Saat Josh butuh waktu adaptasi dan dukungan, ia justru dinilai pengganti yang tak commengan dengan Frusciante.

Year after year, Josh Klinghoffer finds confidence on stage. His previous stage action was inferior to other members, slowly starting to balance. The new era of RHCP has begun to form.

With Josh Klinghoffer, Red Hot Chili Peppers managed to release two albums, I'm With You (2011) and The Getaway (2016). Dark Necessities may be one of Josh's works with RHCP to convince fans that Josh is a capable figure.

Unfortunately, in 2019 Josh's job as a member of the band singer of 'Californication' ended. John Frusciante suddenly wanted to return to the group after 10 years.

Josh Klinghoffer was finally asked to come out through the band's decision and management. The bitter pill, but had to be swallowed. Josh had no choice but to give back the guitarist's position to Frusciante.

In an interview Josh Klinghoffer said RHCP made a more exciting work when he was in it. Even so, he was happy to see John back with Anthony, Chad, and Flea.

That's not a beautiful ending for Josh Klinghoffer, who is said to be the savior of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Or did he give his throne to the true savior, John Frusciante?

What is certain is that fans are also in doubt. On the one hand they began to love Josh Klinghoffer with his dedication and musicality. But seeing the formation of the Red Hot Chili Peppers with John Frusciante, his sense of bahagi was irreplaceable.

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