JAKARTA - Bandung-based metal troop, Nectura released the album Narasi Challenger From Abandoned Landscape on March 13 via Playloud Records. The album's provocative title is a sign of their uneasiness towards the value of friendship and brotherhood among the increasingly ambiguous Indonesian metal community.

This value ambiguity is an important message that Nectura wants to convey, with the hope of becoming autocritical for individuals who feel that they are metal actors in the country.

Musically, on this album Nectura managed to get out of his comfort zone. The combination of American and European metal can still be identified from every detail of the instrument being played. Shouts of vocals in Indonesian with straightforward diction will make it easier for listeners to capture the message of each song from the 8 tracks presented.

"All metal actors who have the same restlessness as Nectura should be able to defend themselves against the tyranny that will gradually kill us. We should embrace and support each other to unite our strengths because we are friends not opponents," said Nectura in a written statement. received by VOI, Saturday, March 14.

Formed in Ujungberung, Bandung in 2012, Nectura has now become a band that has a firm stance to promote change in every piece of its work. True to the meaning behind its name, Nectura was born to provide positive energy for its listeners.

After releasing their debut album, Awake To Decide in 2014, they underwent a number of formation changes to the point where now it could be one of their best lineups. With Abdul "Abah" Kandris and Aulia Akbar as guardians of the tempo and energy of the song, Nectura is now even more colorful.

Musical communication between the two new personnel and the three old personnel is still held by Agung "Owang" Suwandi (vocals), Irvan "Abo" Hardian (guitar), and Hinhin "Akew" Daryana (guitar) manifested in their new album, Narasi Challenger From Abandoned Landscapes.

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