JAKARTA - After issuing two singles in 2023, Alessa released an EP or mini album titled Alesssa as a year-end offering.

This album contains various love stories and life experiences. Alessa wants to present various expressions that may represent the feelings of the listeners.

"The aspiration behind the process of making this album is from the twists and turns of human love life. Some are also inspired by the personal experience and experience of people we know," said Alessa's personnel in his statement, Thursday, December 28.

The personnel said they were satisfied with the process that was carried out in working on the album. They started from workshops to choose songs. Alessa is faced with a wide selection of songs, between old songs that have been released, new songs, and songs from other songwriters.

After finishing selecting the song, the personnel collaborated with the music producer and began to enter the recording studio.

"After the workshop, let's go to the recording studio, and start recording what we discussed at the workshop. Approximately five days of taking drums and vocals," said Alesssa's personnel.

"We have worked on other instruments with the producer team during the workshop. And after that there was a vocal revision process until finally it became a master record," he continued.

The song titled Dag Dig Dug is Alessa's mainstay in this album. The song was written by Guruh Soekarno Putra, and has never been released before.

Dag Dig Dug describes the feelings of someone who is in love and hopes for his love. This song is considered by the most unique personnel in terms of musicality, because it gives a different feel than the previous single.

As a mainstay song, Dag Dig Dug is also present in the form of video clips that can be watched via YouTube.

The process of making the video clip is once fun, carried out all day in a studio in the South Tangerang area. It is indeed a little challenging because there is a koreo that must be memorized at that time, and there is a transition to changing wardrobe," concluded Alesssa.

For information, Alessa, who came from Majalengka, West Java, was founded in 2018. They consist of Putri (vocals), Elton (guitar), and Andri (drums).

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