JAKARTA - The Changcuters still maintain their style for 19 years. The band from Bandung is known for five men who appear energetic on stage in necis suits.

For the band that debuted in the mid-2000s, The Changcuters' performances were different from other bands. Their style is quite eccentric and like a 1960s musician.

However, Tria said, appearing different is the key to The Changcuters. According to him, the difference is the nature of humans in this world.

"There is one thing we want to tell you, that recently we have seen that many people lack confidence to look different, maybe because they are bullied. Even though the only human equality, we are all different, so why should we be fussy," said Tria, vocalist of The Changcuters in Gatot Subroto, South Jakarta recently.

The Changcuters also have a reason why they still maintain their style until now. They are confident that looking different is not a problem, it is actually an added value for the image of the band.

If it's a matter of consistency, go back to the next process. If you are confident, you can be consistent. But if it's not consistent, it means you're not confident," said Tria.

"So, we're not just looking for recognition. But if The Changcuters the results can be a different band, it means good. We are like this. We are confident in what we have," he continued.

For information, The Changcuters recently released a single titled Memang Berbeda. This song appears with Tria cs's anxiety over the fading meaning of a difference.

The Changcuters see that many humans today tend to force themselves to become equal with one another. In fact, the difference is the reality that has existed since humans were born. Even differences can bring humans to happiness.

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