JAKARTA - Ndarboy Genk released the latest single entitled Capital Percoyo (Modal Believe) today, Tuesday, December 5.

Through his new single, the man whose real name is Helarius Daru Indrajaya shared his personal experience when he was an online motorcycle taxi driver partner in 2018.

Percoyo's capital contains the driver's tireless struggle in carrying out his job on the streets. In fact, the job often sacrifices self-interest in order to support the family.

Daru sees belief and trust as the main capital behind the persistence and strength of ojol drivers in their work.

Perjuangan saat menjadi Mitra Driver Grab merupakan titik balik dalam kehidupan saya. Pada saat itu rasa kokang sulit hidup ini, tak ada pilihan lain berjuang, yang penting modalnya percaya percaya, berusaha, dan berdoaran, kata Daru dalam keterangan tertulis.

Furthermore, Daru admitted that the working on the song began when he and other ojol drivers gathered at an event organized by his partner. At the event, Daru heard the term trust capital', which he then made the title of the song.

Meanwhile, the single Capital Percoyo is produced by Balker Headquarters, a record label belonging to Ndarboy Genk based in Yogyakarta.

In his new work, Ndarboy Genk also maintains the Javanese dangdut genre with a special 'ambyar' touch poured through melancholic lyrics but still invites listeners to dance.

Ndarboy Gen

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