Monita Tahalea's Response To The Use Of AI In The Music Creative Process
Monita Tahalea (Instagram @monitahalea)

JAKARTA - Monita Tahalea assesses that the existence of artificial intelligence (AI) or artificial intelligence in the creative music process is a reality that must be accepted.

According to him, in today's reality humans already live side by side with artificial intelligence.

"Actually, if you agree, you don't agree, we have entered the era where we live side by side with the role of AI," said Monita Tahalea in Menteng, Central Jakarta some time ago.

Monita sees musicians having to find out more about AI's role in music. He saw anxiety for several musicians because they did not really understand AI.

"If it's for self-anxion, it must be when we don't really understand what can be done, what benefits, there will definitely be our own concerns. But once we find out about this AI, we can use it as a work context, it must be something that is excited, you know, it means like what makes us work is getting wider, right," he said.

The main point that Monita highlighted was the wisdom of musicians in using AI. He felt the debate over the presence of AI was returned to each user.

"When we have that knowledge, we must also have wisdom or wisdom when applying the AI in the works we make," said Monita.

The singer who graduated from Indonesia Idol also believes that the current AI, which can be accessed by the wider community, already has its own regulations to minimize abuse.

"I think what we can access now, it all comes with regulations. That's why if we want to download an application, such as chat gpt, there must be a term & condition right. Yes, there must be our own policy, so we can use it," said Monita Tahalea.

"If it is a confidential (secret) or can create a chaos, it is impossible to allow it to be consumed with us. Actually, it returns to us users," he said.

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