INDAHKUS Appears Full Of Color In Clip Videos Of Memories
INDAHKUS dalam video clip Sepercik Kenangan (dok. Khusus)

JAKARTA - After completing a survival event in China some time ago, INDAHKUS consistently presents new works and content.

Continuing the EP Eclipse released last November 17, INDAHKUS released a video clip for the song Sepercik Kenangan, the main track of its mini album.

INDAHKUS appeared in the video clip that carries a bright color, in line with the color of the music.

Meanwhile, the lyrics from Sepercik Kenangan are taken from INDAHKUS' personal experience, which tells the story of someone from the past who comes back to him when he begins to forget about it.

The singer from Bandung acted as the main character, and Ricard Zhang became his co-star. Meanwhile, Aditya Muhara acted as the director in this video clip.

Video clip Sepercik Memories seemed to bring INDAHKUS to enjoy the time with someone in the past, but those who left him. Those beautiful moments are depicted by spending time together in a playground to his home.

Then, this video clip closed with a scene where the singer who is familiarly called Indah sat down and deleted all memories with the person she was with.

Not only acting, INDAHKUS also performed several choreography in this video clip. It appears that he has changed casual clothes several times according to the selected background. He was also accompanied by several background dancers.

For information, the video clip of Sepercik Kenangan can be watched on the INDAHKUS YouTube channel.

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