JAKARTA - The Best Rock Duo/Group/Collaboration Category at the Anugerah Musik Indonesia (AMI) Awards 2023 fell to Bara Suara.

They excel from Nail, Box and Ras Muhammad, The Jansen, and Voice of Baceprot (VoB).

Responding to Bara Suara's victory, Voice of Baceprot felt that his senior deserved to win.

Those who brought home the Pia Bara Suara. They are really cool. We are really honored to be in the same row with them," said Marsya VoB after the peak night of the 2023 AMI Awards at the Jiexpo Convention Center and Theater, Wednesday, November 8.

As the youngest band to be nominated for the Best Rock Duo/Group/Collaboration category, Marsya also sees another nomination as a band that is no less great.

"We are in the category of Best Rock Duo/Group/Collaboration, there arearasuara, Nail, and others. They are cool bands," he said.

The failure to repeat the victory in that category makes Voice of Baceprot motivated to create better works in the coming year.

"Yes, really, so our motivation to make work is even better in the future," said Marsya.

Despite the failure, three VoB personnel were delighted to be present for the first time at the top night of the AMI Awards. They can meet face-to-face with many Indonesian musicians.

"This is the first time I've come (to the AMI Awards). I'm excited, I can meet many musician friends who previously we were just like a press conference on social media, here we can meet in person," said Marsya.

For information, the rock band consisting of Marsya (guitar), Siti (drums), and Widi (bass) is the winner of the Best Rock Duo/Group/Collaboration category at the 2022 AMI Awards.

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