JAKARTA - Coldplay vocalist Chris Martin revealed that he only ate once a day after being inspired by Bruce Springsteen.

He shared this in the latest episode of the Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend podcast released March 22 yesterday.

"I'm actually not having dinner anymore. I stopped eating at 4 [sore] and I learned it from lunch with Bruce Springsteen," he explained.

I was lucky enough to go there for lunch a day after we played in Philadelphia last year. After all, I was on a very strict diet.

"But I'm like 'Bruce looks fitter than I am' and Patti [ Springsteen wife] says he only eats once a day. I'm like 'good, here he is. That's my next challenge'.

Chris did not reveal what his regular diet consists of, but joked O'Brien that Springsteen ate "a buffalo meat with steroid sauce".

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