Nomo Koeswoyo was buried at Jeruk Purut TPU, South Jakarta, precisely in Block AAII, at around 13:00 WIB.
The atmosphere of Nomo Koesyowo's funeral was attended by the family of the deceased who looked sad watching the process of the legend's departure.
One of them is Sari Koeswoyo, Nomo Koeswoyo's nephew, who expressed his prayers and wish to play the song Koes Brothers to his grandchildren.
"The Koes Brothers are one of the foundations of Indonesian music. Have fans who are multi-agers. Because they also create songs for children. May their work last forever so that my grandchildren can listen," said Sari Koeswoyo at the funeral of Nomo Koeswoyo at TPU Jeruk Purut, Jakarta, Thursday.
For information, Nomo Koeswoyo passed away on Wednesday, at around 20:30 WIB, in Magelang, Central Java.
Before being buried, the body was first taken to Chicha Koeswoyo's house on Jalan Agricultural I No. 5, Lebak Bulus number, South Jakarta.
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