Regeneration Of Fans Becomes A Reason For Saint Loco To Hold A Concert Tour In 20 Cities
Saint Loco in a press conference for the launch of the Final single Mulai in Jakarta, Friday (Rifky Nugraha / VOI)

JAKARTA - Saint Loco plans to hold a series of tours in 20 cities as a form of celebration of their fourth album, Home. The tour will take place after the launch of his new album on March 18 at the Hammersonic Festival.

DJ Tius said this tour concert will take place from the islands of Java to Bali by cooperating with several brands that are being prepared.

"The plan is for 20 cities because in 20 years, it's from Java to Bali. And some of the cities we are targeting who are included in the group C or D," Tius said at a press conference for the launch of the Final single Every time in Jakarta, Friday night.

Berry replied that this tour was immediately carried out through the Saint Loco community spread across various cities.

"We want to revive the Saint Loco community, that's why we are regenerating first, we have fans who already have two or three children, now replaced by younger ones. So we want to give them a new sense, so this tour is also carried out through communities," explained the rapper.

Tius also added that the main reason Saint Loco held a tour in this way.

"We just want 200 people to watch it but they really really want to watch us, rather than open which comes 1000-2000 but they just have to fun there," said Tius.

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