Kenzy Taulany and Tide 6 won the Battle of the Bands FOBISIA competition in Bangkok, Thailand.

Kenzy et al managed to place the first position in the Lower Secondary category. This happy news was reported through Instagram social media Andre Taulany.

"Congratulations Kenzy @kenzy_taulany_ and Tide 6 For 1st Place Winner of FOBISA Battle of The Bands 2023 Thailand, Bangkok," said Kenzy's father.

"Proud of You... May you be more advanced and useful, don't forget to always be happy, and thank ALLAH SWT," he continued.

"As the saying goes, nuts won't fall far from the peanut," joked Andre.

For information, FOBISIS is a major Federation that supports and promotes high-quality British education in Asia. With a history of more than 30 years, the FOBISA family has made the school community a diverse and inclusive member spread across 19 countries.

The complete documentation regarding Kenzy et al's appearance can be watched on the Taulany TV Youtube channel.

In the video, Kenzy, who plays the guitarist, looks very enjoying playing Toto's Rossana song.

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