JAKARTA - The legendary band Dewa 19, has confirmed that its 30-year concert at the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) on February 4 the day after tomorrow will be more perfect.

This is of course supported by various advantages from JIS. Among other things, this venue has the strength of an audio system and lights that are able to adjust to the rhythm of the music so as to increase the excitement of the concert atmosphere.

Specifically, the sound system in JIS is already included in the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) standard. The resulting noise pressure level is no less than 100 dBA and a maximum of 105 dBA with an average tolerance of +/- 3.5 Dba.

With this audio system, of course, it will support Dewa 19's music performance along with its most complete formation.

In a statement received by VOI, besides that, JIS is designed to have a ramp as the main entrance and concourse on the 3rd floor which is a circulation for spectators. As for the Ramp, it is designed with a width of 30 m with a length of approximately 200 m each for the west side and 160 m for the east side.

With this slope, people with disabilities can also access the ramp as an entry gate. Moreover, the ramp is designed to be passed by fire engines when there is an emergency.

In fact, the plan is that there will be a gate for each ramp. At the end of the western ramp and the end of the east ramp with each using a full heavy turntile.

This concourse and ramp has an area of 98,935m2. so it is designed to accommodate a maximum capacity of 82 thousand.

Meanwhile, the concourse area and the stadium stands have 60 full turning points. This anticipates the circulation of spectators who will enter the stadium area.

This ramp and concourse are also designed to accommodate the level of comfort and security of the audience, with a high railing on the perimeter side of the ramp and concourse.

The myriad of advantages above will certainly be a comfort for the Baladewa-Baladewi as spectators. At the same time, this concert will facilitate.

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