JAKARTA - Band from England, Coldplay held virtual concerts that can be watched all over the world, including Indonesia. This Music of the Spheres concert is their newest world tour.

This concert carries an environmentally friendly concept where Coldplay shows are powered by energy from endless resources to reduce the use of carbon emissions.

This virtual concert focuses on the Coldplay stage at Stadium River Plate, Buenos Aires, Argentina on 29 October. In that one day, of course, Coldplay will perform a number of their hit songs.

In addition, they also sing songs from the latest albums such as Higher Power, Humankind, My Universe and many others.

It's not Coldplay if you don't hold a spectacular concert. Starting from LED bracelets, fireworks charm, to other surprises will attend the special concert.

Coldplay is working with Trafalgar Releasing to broadcast this exclusive concert. CJ 4DPlex will broadcast this concert in CGV cinemas including Indonesia.

Tickets for the Coldplay Live Broadcast from Buenos Aires concert are priced at IDR 250,000 for Malang, Yogyakarta, Solo, and surrounding areas. Meanwhile for Jabodetabek and Surabaya, it costs IDR 300,000.

Tickets to the virtual Coldplay Live Broadcast from Buenos Aires concert can be purchased via the CGV website and application.

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