JAKARTA - The 1000 Sasando Sound Concert entitled Magical Sound of Sanando for The World received an award from the Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI) in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara. The 1,000 Sandando Festival received a Muri Record with an award given by Jaya Suprana to the NTT Provincial Dekranasda which was received by the Head of the NTT Dekranasda Julie Sutrisno Laiskodat. In addition, the award was also given to Rote Ndao Regency and received by the Regent of Rote Ndao Paulina Haning-Bullu. "There are 1,000 people. The training in Kupang has been more than two months," said Music Director Izhu Nisnoni after a concert at the Waterfront City Labuan Bajo, Wednesday night, September 28. The Sasando music players are students in NTT. They formed a neat line and opened an excerpt of 1,000 Sasandos with dances from the Latasga Helong Studio Community and a fashion show by the NTT children. The petition of Sasando accompanied 10-12 medley songs that washed the atmosphere of Labuan Bajo's night. This event was attended by First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo along with members of the Solidarity Action Organization for the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet Era (OASE KIM). Izhu said that as a young generation, it is necessary to preserve the cultural heritage of this area. Not only preserving, the younger generation needs to protect it. He did this in response to the claims of Sasando from other countries some time ago. This event was closed with the Kembang Api Party accompanied by regional music. Previously, the voice concert of 1,000 Sandado was filled with the appearances of musicians both local and national.

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