JAKARTA - Anji and Marcell Siahaan are involved in a social media conflict. The two musicians talked about the transparency of music royalties, which was the point of the problem.

It started with Anji who made a post containing his vent to the Collective Management Institute (LMK). He asked about the distribution of royalties from LMK to music creators.

"VOICE FOR LMK (Collective Management Institution). Many story event organizers are billed to pay performing rights royalties. Especially now that many concerts/festival events are being made," Anji wrote today, Tuesday, August 9.

“Likewise, friends who own a cafe/restaurant/karaoke like to tell stories and ask questions. They asked: How does LMK distribute the money to the creators?," he continued.

Anji suspects that because the flow of funds is not transparent, some parties are reluctant to pay royalties. This non-transparency also makes deviation possible.

"I replied: There is no detailed and transparent calculation. There is even money 'parking' from the composer who did not take the royalties (because they did not know or did not register) while LMK did not make news about it. So it is very possible that there will be irregularities in the flow of money," he said.

Marcell Siahaan as the general chairman of Prisindo and LMK which is engaged in the management of performance rights. He responded that those who use other people's work do not need to know the process of the flow of funds.

Marcell also accused Anji of making this question into his personal content.

"Yes, your anxiety will become your very profitable content, congratulations!," Marcell Siahaan responded.

Feeling accused, Anji regretted Marcell's response to calling this open letter a form of content. But the debate ended after Marcell did not want to argue.

"@marcellsiahaans - What content does Cell mean? How tendentious the sentence is?! With this post, what benefit do I get? You're a public official, why don't you accept input like this?," Anji replied.

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