JAKARTA - Ahmad Dhani greeted the audience on the second day of the 2022 Java Jazz Festival on Saturday, May 28. Located at JI EXPO Kemayoran, he performed in collaboration with Ron King Big Band to perform a number of songs.

He performed alone without Dewa 19. On that occasion, Dhani explained why he was standing alone on the big stage.

“Tonight Dewa 19 will perform in Surabaya without me. There was a wedding there," said Ahmad Dhani greeting the audience.

“I have an appointment with Mr. Peter Gontha to perform at the Java Jazz. I must be here for jazz fans. Is this coming for jazz fans or Dewa 19 fans?” Dhani asked the audience.

Then he started the stage by performing The Best is Yet to Come and Frank Sinatra's I Get a Kick Out of You. After that he sang several songs that he created such as Kasidah Cinta and Arjuna.

A series of songs were sung by Ahmad Dhani with a jazz version. However, this did not dampen the enthusiasm of the audience to join in singing the songs.

“They (Ron King Big Band) are from America, I am from Surabaya. You only practice once, but that's how it is," he said.

“This band has never heard of Ahmad Dhani's songs. I just used to read the notes," explained Dhani about Ron King Big Band.

After that, Ahmad Dhani sang Already, I Love You and Him, Honey Tiga, and closed with Half a Breath. The BNI Hall was filled with audiences of various ages who sang the lyrics loudly.

"Thank you Java Jazz. Hopefully we can meet again," said Ahmad Dhani.

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