YOGYAKARTA Causes of smooth leaking tires are very diverse, ranging from internal vehicle factors to external factors such as road surface conditions and so on.

Drivers often don't notice the license plate leaks. They usually only know when motorized vehicle tires are further deflated or run out of wind pressure in the middle of the road.

If the wind pressure on the tires runs out in the middle of the road, motorists need to push their vehicle to the nearest workshop point.

Well, to prevent smooth leaky tires, it is important for vehicle owners to know various factors that can cause them.

So, what causes the tires to leak smoothly? Check out the full information below.

It has been mentioned above, the cause of the smooth leaky tire can be caused by internal factors and internal factors.

In more detail, here are some of the reasons for the smooth leaks that you need to know, as summarized by VOI from various sources, Thursday, January 11, 2024:

1. Twisted Velg or support

One of the internal factors that can cause tires on motorized vehicles to leak smoothly is Veleg which is bent or supporting.

As is known, velg is a motorized vehicle component that is in direct contact with tires. Well, wheels that are boosted or bent can trigger the emergence of cavities. This condition can make the pressure of the wind in the tires continue to come out so that the tires become flat.

2. Motorbike tires are Aus

The second internal factor causing the tire to leak fine is that the tire condition is no longer prime. Tires that have been used for too long have the potential to experience smooth leaks. This is because the surface is running low due to friction with asphalt.

Not only that, if your motorcycle tire looks sad, it should be replaced with a new one immediately. Because this can also make the tires leak smooth.

3. Steaming the tires of the motorbike

The cause of this smooth leaky tire is often not realized by the driver. The position of the pentile that is not perfectly attached or slack, can make the air inside the tire come out little by little. If left unchecked, then it is certain that the tire will lose pressure and in a long time it will become thin.

4. Used tire patch

Motorbike tires that have been patched due to leakage must have left a trace. Well, the patch marks that are done not perfectly, can cause a fine leak. Wind pressure can get out of the tires if the patch attached to the motorcycle tires is less thick.

5. Sharp rock

Road surface conditions, such as uneven roads or gravel, can cause smooth leaky tires. The risk of leakage will be higher if you pass through the road at a fairly high speed.

This is because some of the rocks on the road have a sharp surface. If the surface hits your motorcycle tire, what will definitely happen is a leak.

That's information about the cause of the tires leaking smoothly. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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