Hyundai officially presents the latest generation from the Coalition that has received a myriad of changes, both from the exterior, interior to the heart of the runway.

This model is predicted to launch in Indonesia soon, where from VOI monitoring on the PKB Samsat page there is a code that the latest Palisade is already registered. The registered models are PAL-LX3HEV4X2AT-CALL, PAL-LX3HEV4X2AT-SIGN, PAL-LX3HEV4X4AT-CELL, PALISADE LX3HEV4X2AT, and PALISADE LX3HEV4X4AT.

The selling value of motorized vehicles (NJKB) has also appeared on the page, namely PAL-LX3HEV4X2AT-Call Rp482 million, PAL-LX3HEV4X2AT-SIGN Rp472 million, PAL-LX3HEV4X4AT-CELL Rp521 million, PALISADE LX3HEV4X2AT Rp476 million, and PALISADE LX3HEV4X4AT Rp530 million. All of them use the code 'HEV' which means carrying hybrid technology.

For the record, this price is not final because NJKB itself is the basic value used to calculate the amount of tax that must be paid by motor vehicle owners.

Responding to this possibility (in the near future), the VOI team tried to contact the Chief Operating Officer of PT Hyundai Motors Indonesia (HMID) Fransiscus Soerjopranoto.

"In the last three months, we have introduced new models to stimulate the Indonesian car market," he said, when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, January 8.

Although he did not elaborate on the launch of the Coalition, he revealed Hyundai plans to introduce four more models in the first quarter of this year.

"This is part of our strategic plan to increase sales amid market uncertainty," he concluded.

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