YOGYAKARTA - hybrid cars are now increasingly in demand by many Indonesians because they offer a number of advantages. This car uses a gas and electric fuel propulsion system, so it is said to be more environmentally friendly. But behind that, there are some common problems in hybrid cars that you need to know before buying them.

Despite offering a number of advantages, hybrid cars also often experience several problems such as other vehicles. Not a few hybrid car users submit complaints to the performance of the engine, battery charging, to maintenance or maintenance.

There's nothing wrong with buying an electric car as a family vehicle or accompanying daily activities. But before that, you need to know the general problem in a hybrid car so that you won't be surprised when you wear it.

hybrid cars are increasingly popular as modern or modern cars because they use electric batteries. More and more models or types of hybrid cars are sold in the Indonesian market. This type of car is priced at high prices according to the sophisticated specifications offered.

However, each type of car certainly has its own strengths and disadvantages. Therefore, you need to know some common problems in hybrid cars as follows:

Hybrid cars are designed with more advanced and complex technology compared to conventional cars, so the cost of repairs is more expensive. The need for replacement of hybrid car batteries can be very expensive. This is one of the main factors that hybrid car owners often complain about.

In addition, the complexity of engines and the electrical system of hybrid cars can also lead to an increase in maintenance costs. If hybrid car owners do not pay attention to proper maintenance, high repair costs can become a financial burden.

Although hybrid cars use electric power to save fuel, the distance to travel in electric mode is still limited. hybrid cars generally can only travel a few miles in electric mode before switching to gasoline engines.

This travel distance limitation often makes hybrid cars less ideal for long-distance travel. This is certainly an obstacle for car owners who often travel long distances or travel long trips.

As a solution to this problem, you are advised to choose a hybrid car with a larger battery capacity. In addition, you must also choose a road route to find adequate battery charging stations during long-distance trips.

One of the main challenges for hybrid cars is the higher price. Hybrid cars are sold at high prices due to the use of advanced technology such as batteries and electric motors.

This higher cost of production of hybrid cars makes the price more expensive than conventional cars. This makes hybrid cars less affordable for some consumers who are interested in buying this electric car.

Although the acceleration of hybrid cars is considered quite good, smaller engines and heavy batteries can result in less optimal responses at high speed. This makes hybrid cars less suitable for motorists who often rely on speed performance.

Special handling of hybrid car engines also needs attention. If not treated in the right way, this car engine can lose its responsiveness and not function optimally. hybrid car owners are advised to carry out routine maintenance, including checking engine temperature, oil pressure, and air filters.

Due to relatively new hybrid car technology, the limited infrastructure of battery charging stations is one of the obstacles. Owners of hybrid cars are often difficult when looking for battery charging sites, especially when traveling long distances.

Another shortage of hybrid cars is in its difficult-to-recycle battery. Hybrid car batteries are made of chemicals that are difficult to recycle and can have a negative impact on the environment.

In addition, hybrid car batteries also have a limited life period. This requires battery replacement after a few years of use, making it vulnerable to causing waste that is difficult to process if not recycled properly.

Those are the reviews of some common problems in hybrid cars that need to be understood before buying them. The hybrid car does offer a number of advantages over conventional cars, but behind it there are also some shortcomings. Also read hybrid cars selling better than pure electric cars.

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