Airbags are installed in almost every of the latest cars in the world; we learn why it can happen, and how the method works. Now this time we will discuss the function of airbags on cars.

Car security has changed a lot over the years: only in 1991, for example, passengers in the back by law are required to wear seat belts, but today, all the latest cars arrive with some safety equipment, and airbags are one of them.

There is reason, and both are easy to understand, and supported by data: air bags prevent parts of your body that are prone to impacts with a hard surface in the event of a collision, congested to act as a cushion that absorbs energy and reduces the chance of a collision. injury or worse. America estimates that more than 50,000 lives have been saved by airbags in 2017.

Airbag first appeared in high-end luxury cars in the late 1980s, before becoming commonplace in the 1990s and beyond.

The driver's air bag mounted on the steering wheel first appeared, before passengers in the front seat got it too. Since then, airbags have appeared on almost every interior surface of the car, ranging from a container airbag that appears from the roof of the car to protect the head during side clashes, to an airbag for the driver's knee, even an airbag of the seat belt that can reduce the impact.

Strength in the lap and torso passengers. Even pedestrians benefit from airbags, with several cars showing 'bags emerging from the engine hood to protect people walking by car.

The physics properties behind air bags are quite simple: the sensors inside the vehicle pay attention to movements indicating the vehicle is involved in a collision, triggering air bags to turn on if a collision is detected.

When this happened, a small explosive device exploded inside the airbag module, pinning the bag, which was filled with air to protect vehicle passengers.

This technology has evolved over the years, with several airbags capable of detecting forces involved in collisions, coupling to the right amount based on this data.

Airbag is also known as an 'additional restraining device' because it is designed to work together with seat belts, which self-control how your body behaves in an accident. These names are what some airbags are labeled as 'SRS'.

Knowing whether your car's airbag was damaged

Cars with damaged airbags can be easily identified when equipped with airbag lights. If this is on, it means there is a problem with the airbag system in your vehicle. There are not many ways to tell if there is an error in your airbag system without airbag indicator lights.

Can airbags be dangerous?

The risk related to airbags far exceeds the safety benefits it carries, but is designed to work with passengers wearing seat belts: not if it is detected that seat belts are not imposed, as if they cannot cause injury.

it should also be known about the withdrawal of Takata airbags. The airbags created by the company are mounted on about 60 million cars from nearly every manufacturer, with production defects that have the potential to cause explosives to explode uncontrollably. It can see metal boxes where explosives are held into shrapnel, which can be fired at vehicle passengers.

No casualties were recorded in the UK as a result of this recall, but there are still a number of cars (largely made from 200 to 2015) that have not been brought to be repaired by their owners. This is why it's always a good idea to check if a car has an extraordinary recall of it before you buy it, which can be determined by examining the Government's online withdrawal check. If your car is affected by this withdrawal, the replacement airbag will be installed for free.

So after knowing the function of airbags in cars, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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