YOGYAKARTA For those of you who plan to buy a half-use vehicle, it is recommended to find out tips for buying used cars. The following tips will help you get used cars that are still suitable for use. In addition, this knowledge is useful so that used car buyers do not regret it in the future because they find the car that has already been purchased has damage, shortcomings, or too expensive.

It should be noted that used cars are not always of poor quality. Vehicles that were well cared for by previous owners had an effect on the quality of used cars. However, it should be noted that sometimes there are unscrupulous sellers who engineer used cars to look good and cover their shortcomings. Here are some tips for buying used cars.

The first tip you have to pay attention to is not to spend the budget you have to buy used cars. Allocate 20 or 30 percent of the budget for repairing used cars purchased. For example, you have a budget of IDR 100 million. Try to buy a car for IDR 70 to IDR 80 million. After that, use the rest to carry out maintenance or rejuvenation of used car parts that you purchased.

When you find a used target car, don't be fooled by its appearance. The appearance of the car can be reconditioned until it looks like new, both in terms of paint to the interior of the car. Buyers of used cars must be observant and thorough when they see the car. Check whether the car paint is original or has been repainted.

Car revice history is very important to check. Regular car services usually indicate that the car is actually being treated by the previous owner. At least check the history of changing vehicle oil because it will affect the engine condition. Service history is usually recorded in the car service book.

Never buy a fake car that does not have complete letter. Apart from being insecure, vehicle documents also avoid bad things in the future. Completeness of car documents includes BPKN, STNK, to car manual books. Also check whether the vehicle's legal letter is in the name of the owner or not. If it matches the name of the owner then you will be made easier in the process of changing your name and tax matters.

Many buyers are very avoiding used flood cars. This decision is not wrong, but you can buy used flood cars from which the seller has carried out maximum cleaning and maintenance. Used cars are at risk of flooding or short circuits so that buyers avoid them. Consult with your believe autocare shop related to this.

Do a test drive is done to find out the engine's performance, where the car is, to check the condition of the car's legs. You can ask the seller for permission to do a test drive.

Machine sound can be used to measure engine conditions. Do not buy a car with a rough engine or other unnatural engine sound.

Air Conditioner (AC) cars are very important elements in cars. AC conditions can also be an indication of how much the car is maintained. You can check whether the air conditioner is cold or not.

You are advised to check various car components such as mirrors, wipers, tires, steering wheel, and so on. Car components are often ignored by used car buyers even though checking is no less important.

Technicians or car inspectors will really help you find out the actual condition of the car. You can use this service especially if you are looking for the first car.

In addition to tips on buying used cars, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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