AMBON - The Ambon City Government (Pemkot) is auctioning 32 official vehicles through the State Property and Auction Service Office (KPKNL). The goal is to eliminate vehicle assets.

"The auction process of 32 units of the Ambon KPKNL has been withdrawn," said Head of the Ambon City Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD), Apries Gaspersz, Friday, January 27, quoted from ANTARA.

The auction process is carried out with a fairly high consideration of maintenance costs, reduced economic value, and the age of the vehicle has passed seven years. That's why the assessment and wealth of the Auction have been proposed.

"The assessment related to this vehicle to be auctioned has been carried out by the KPKNL," he said.

Apries explained that the auction process was carried out openly, in accordance with the rules carried out by the KPKNL.

The policy of selling vehicles by auction is one type of asset elimination that is easy for local governments to do.

In addition to being able to form optimal selling prices, it also aims to save on vehicle maintenance costs, fuel expenses, and insurance.

Currently, these assets consist of cars, motorbikes, and heavy equipment which are assets of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Service (PUPR).

"The asset is being secured in the courtyard of the Ambon City State printing building, generally the age of the vehicle is seven years, even more," he said.

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