JAKARTA - Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) plays an important role in the peace process in Afghanistan. As the largest Islamic organization in Indonesia, NU is the spearhead of international diplomacy in a crisis related to the Taliban fundamentalist group. NU provides a lot of input to the Taliban. Among other things, NU introduced Indonesia's diversity as a strength, as stated in the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika philosophy.

One of the events that shocked the world was the kidnapping of 23 Christian volunteers from South Korea (South Korea) by the Taliban in 2007. The kidnapping of South Koreans on their way from Kabul to Kandahar later became a polemic. The United States (US) and its allies firmly reject negotiations with the Taliban. Negotiations, in the US's opinion, can actually provide a platform and political power for the Taliban to become big.

The South Korean government is increasingly worried because previously two hostages had been killed. If there is no settlement, let alone follow the will of the US, then the fate of the remaining hostages – 19 people – is feared to be the same. Not wanting to give up, South Korea also asked for help from the world's largest Muslim country, Indonesia, to negotiate with the Taliban. Indonesia agreed. NU is Indonesia's representative in diplomacy.

"PBNU is seriously arranging steps to convey an invitation to one of the Taliban clerics to have the opportunity to come to Indonesia," said PBNU General Chair Kiai Haji Hasyim Muzadi as quoted by Antara.

Two-term PBNU chairman Hasyim Muzadi (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Opportunity was obtained. NU then negotiated with figures and scholars in Afghanistan. Because of that there is an ability on the part of the Taliban to immediately talk about the release of the hostages. NU also provides important lessons to the world in negotiating with the Taliban. Hasyim also helped to straighten out the misunderstanding of many parties, especially the West towards Islam which is considered extremist, fundamentalist, and terrorist.

Moreover, Hasyim found that the root causes of violence and conflict in Afghanistan were injustice, misunderstanding, poverty, and ignorance. These four factors must be fought by all parties. South Korea itself can play a role in overcoming this. The combination of the presence of the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon and the strong economic power of South Korea can be used as the main weapon to bring peace in Afghanistan.

“Initially, religious leaders in Indonesia who were considered moderate were asked for help by Seoul to establish contact with the Taliban. NU and Muhammadiyah more or less took part in establishing contact with the Taliban. The closeness of fellow Muslims contributes to the psychology of the Taliban."

“Furthermore, through an intense diplomatic struggle, the Indonesian diplomats were finally accepted by the Taliban to become observers in the process of releasing the hostages. As a result, as described above, President Roh Moo-yun is also very grateful to Indonesia,” wrote M. Bambang Pranowo in the book Javanese People Become Terrorists (2011).

NU introduces diversity to the Taliban
Taliban negotiating team (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

After that incident, NU immediately focused on playing an active role for peace in Afghanistan in 2010. Concern for a prolonged conflict began to raise a high sense of humanity among NU kiai. As a result, discussions with stakeholders in Afghanistan began to be encouraged. After all, it is supported by the Indonesian government. also because the Indonesian government's trust in NU is very strong to bring peace to Afghanistan.

One of the traces of NU diplomacy is to invite important Afghan figures and scholars to attend the Afghanistan Peace Gathering Forum at the 82nd NU Harlah in Jakarta, 18 June-17 July 2011. The purpose of the forum is for Afghan figures and scholars to get an overview of Indonesia's great power called diversity. An extension of the meaning of the philosophy of Bineka Tunggal Ika.

“The purpose of holding the forum is so that leaders and scholars get a clear picture of the diversity of Indonesia as a country with the largest Muslim population in the world. Although it has a very high diversity, Indonesia is able to maintain unity and unity so that peace can be maintained."

"This is what NU thinks needs to be used as an example and is expected to be a learning material for Afghan figures and scholars," said Muhammad Ijmalul Faizin in his thesis entitled The Role of Nahdlatul Ulama in the Peace Process in Afghanistan in 2011-2018 (2020).

Not only that, NU was also involved in an international conference on Afghanistan peace in Istanbul, Turkey on November 29-December 2, 2011. In the conference, Afghan clerics exchanged ideas with Islamic scholars around the world. The effort is to strengthen the potential of religious leaders in straightening the path of peace in Afghanistan.

NU also suggested that the groups that were fighting in Afghanistan should immediately unite. This is because the kiai think that the Afghan people have a uniform religious sect. Meanwhile, the relationship between NU and the Taliban is getting closer. NU was even allowed to establish an organization with the exact same name in Afghanistan.

“It was originally thinking simple. Because all religious schools and tarekat are almost the same, but they are still fighting and cannot unite. It turned out that upon closer inspection, the likes and clans there were stronger even though the schools and orders were almost the same. we continue to convey things so that we can form a government,” explained Kiai Marsudi, quoted on the official NU website.

After that, with open arms, NU invited Afghan clerics to Indonesia in 2013 and 2015. This opportunity was used by NU as a means to introduce Afghan clerics to the civilization and history of Islamic struggle in Indonesia by taking them to Islamic boarding schools, universities, and so on.

At that moment, Kiai NU talked a lot about the process of drafting the Jakarta Charter – which later became the 1945 Constitution. In which, Islamic figures softened up changing the narrative “The President is a native Indonesian and a Muslim” as in Article 6 paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution, immediately omitted the sentence "religious of Islam."

Furthermore, the narrative in Article 29 paragraph 1 "The state is based on God, with the obligation to carry out Islamic law for its adherents" was also changed. Because of that, the sentence only leaves the narration "A country based on God Almighty." This change is a form of Indonesia's high regard for diversity. Thanks to him, Indonesia has become an independent country from the shackles of colonialism since 76 years ago.

“Apparently, support from a number of groups for the Jakarta Charter did not last long. The demands of the Christians in the Kaigun (Japanese Navy) area, as conveyed by an officer to Moh. Hatta. They objected to the clause in the Preambule (opening) which reads, 'God with the obligation to carry out Islamic law for its adherents.' They admit that they are not bound by the clause, but view it as discrimination against them as a minority group,” concluded Peter Kasenda in the book Bung Karno Panglima Revolution (2014).

*Read other information about the history of the world or read other interesting articles from Detha Arya Tifada.


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